History Teacher Notes The Literacy Key

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Viking Warriors

1. Viking warriors were fierce fighters, often very brutal to their enemies.

2. The main Viking weapons were swords, spears, and battle-axes, although bows and arrows were also used.

3. Weapons were carried for battle, but also showed how rich a person was, so were often beautifully decorated.

4. Warriors often gave names to their swords, which were double-edged and decorated with silver and gold handles.

5. Each warrior had to provide his own weapons and armour.

6. Rich Viking warriors had metal helmets, tunics and swords.

7. Poor Viking warriors wore leather tunics and carried knives and spears.

8. Spears were the commonest Viking weapons and had iron blades on wooden staffs.

9. Viking swords were expensive and usually had a double-edged blade.

10. Viking warriors carried their swords in leather-covered, wooden scabbards.

11. Long-handled battle-axes were often used instead of swords, these could cut through shields and helmets.

12. Viking shields were made from wooden boards, covered with leather, and had iron hand-grips.

13. The Viking warriors wore helmets made from leather and iron.

14. The fiercest Viking warriors were called Berserks who worked themselves up into a fury before battle.

15. The Berserks looked terrifying to their opponents, foaming at the mouth, rolling their eyes and biting their shields.

16. Berserks were described as being, as strong as bears, as mad as dogs, and able to kill with a single blow.

17. The Berserks believed that Odin, God of War, gave them superhuman powers and protection.

18. They wore bearskins instead of armour.

19. Viking warriors were picked from the battlefield by the Valkyries.

20. These were women who wore armour and rode on winged horses.

21. Viking warriors went to live with Odin in Valhalla.

22. In the final battle between the Viking gods and the giants the warriors would fight with Odin against the giants.