Egypt Teacher Notes The Literacy Key

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Ancient Egyptian Boats

1. Boats very important to Ancient Egyptians because life centred round River Nile.

2. Nearly every town had its own quayside and temples and palaces had private harbours connected to the River Nile by canals.

3. The earliest and simplest Ancient Egyptian boats were papyrus skiffs made from bundles of reeds tied together.

4. These simple Ancient Egyptian boats meant that people could cross the river, go fishing, hunt birds and travel to other villages.

5. Prevailing wind on River Nile came from north so sails could be used to propel boats travelling south, those heading north used oars.

6. Special types of boats were developed for travelling, hunting, fighting, fishing and transporting goods and animals.

7. Ancient Egyptian boats were often made from many small pieces of wood as timber was scarce, and held together by ropes or wooden pegs.

8. Once the boat was in the water, the timber swelled up, sealing the cracks and stopping the boat from leaking.

9. Small working boats had flat bottoms so they could carry more cargo below decks.

10. Ancient Egyptian warships were built at the royal dockyards at Memphis.

11. The basic design was usually the same, they were made of wood and were broad and shallow with high, upturned prows and sterns.

12. Oars were used for propulsion when there was insufficient wind to fill the sails.

13. Ancient Egyptian boats had several steering oars, a mast, and a long, narrow, linen sail.

14. Ancient Egyptian sails and mast could be lowered when not in use.

15. Ancient Egytpian boats often had cabins.

16. Ancient Egyptian warships had high sides to protect the oarsmen and a fighting platform for soldiers.

17. Ancient Egyptian warships also had a platform for archers and look-outs, which is the first recorded version of the crow’s-nest.

18. Boats played an important part in Ancient Egyptian religion - paintings of boats put into tombs to help the dead travel around in the next life.

19. Sometimes, full-sized boats were buried in pits alongside Egyptian pyramids to help with journey to Egyptian Underworld.

20. The most famous of these is beside the pyramid of Khufu at Giza, which was nearly 44 metres long and 6 metres wide.

21. Even gods and goddesses travelled in boats.

22. Egyptians believed the sun god crossed sky in one ship during the day and sailed through the Underworld in a different one at night.