Greece Teacher Notes The Literacy Key

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Ancient Greek Homes

1. Almost all Ancient Greeks lived in simple, plain houses made of sun-dried, mud-baked bricks.

2. The houses had clay-tiled roofs, wooden doors and whitewashed walls to keep the rooms cool.

3. Windows were small and had wooden shutters.

4. The floors of Ancient Greek houses were tiled using clay, stones or pebbles, some of which were made as mosaics.

5. Most Ancient Greek homes were built around courtyards which often had altars and wells in them.

6. Stairs led from the courtyard to the upper storey where bedrooms and servants’ rooms were.

7. Ancient Greek men and women lived separately, having their own rooms.

8. Bathrooms in Ancient Greek houses had a terracotta bath and water was collected from the well, or public fountain.

9. Kitchens in Ancient Greek homes had an open fire for cooking.

10. Ancient Greek furniture was usually made out of wood.

11. The Ancient Greeks had chairs, but most people used stools.

12. A thronos, or seat of honour, was used by the master of the house, which was a large chair with arms.

13. Ancient Greek ladies had smaller chairs with backs, but no arms.

14. Ancient Greek tables were low and three-legged and chests, baskets and boxes were used for storage.

15. Ancient Greek homes were lit by small, oil-burning lamps with bronze stands, and heated by braziers containing charcoal, or open fires.

16. When men had visitors, the women and children disappeared to their own rooms whilst the men talked, ate and drank.

17. Almost all Ancient Greek households had a slave, often captured in battle and bought from the local slave market.

18. Ancient Greeks had many pots in their homes such as storage pots, cups, lamps, perfume, wine bottles.

19. Ancient Greek pots came in all shapes and sizes and were decorated with scenes from daily life.

20. Ancient Greek pots were often decorated with a watery clay mixture.

21. When Ancient Greek were baked in a kiln these areas turned black, any unpainted areas turned a light brown, or reddish brown colour