Environment Teacher Notes The Literacy Key

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Environment - Recycling

1. Recycling helps the environment.

2. When we recycle, used materials are made into new products, so important raw materials are saved.

3. Using recycled materials saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

4. As recycling uses old materials, less rubbish is sent to landfill sites.

5. Recycling just two glass bottles produces enough energy to boil five cups of tea.

6. One tonne of recycled paper can save seventeen trees.

7. Bottle banks are large containers into which the public can throw used bottles for recycling.

8. Glass recycling saves energy compared to producing new glass and reduces the demand for raw materials.

9. Recycling bottles also reduces the amount of rubbish that is sent to landfill sites.

10. Bottles from bottle banks are taken to a glass treatment plant where they are sorted by colour and then washed.

11. The glass is then crushed and melted, before being moulded into new products such as bottles and jars.

12. Glass can be recycled over and over again.

13. Paper is taken to a recycling plant where it is separated into different types.

14. The paper is washed with soapy water to remove ink, staples and glue.

15. It is then put in large tanks where it is mixed with water, making slurry.

16. Different materials are added to the slurry to create cardboard, newsprint or plain paper.

17. The slurry is rolled into large thin sheets which are left to dry and then rolled up ready to be cut.

18. Plastic makes up a large amount of household waste, but only a small amount is recycled.

19. Plastic takes centuries to break down and burning it is like burning a fossil fuel as it is made of oil.

20. Not much plastic is recycled because it is not alwys coat effective.

21. Nowadays shops are encouraging shoppers to use fewer plastic bags.

22. Companies are also being asked to use less plastic packaging.

23. Much of the waste produced in the UK is sent to landfill sites.

24. Landfill sites are large holes in the ground which are filled up with rubbish.

25. When they become full, they are covered with earth, burying all the rubbish.

26. It is difficult to find land to use for landfill sites and people do not like living near them.

27. Landfill creates problems because the rotting rubbish releases polluting liquids and gases.

28. Water can seep through rubbish, picking up harmful chemicals, and turn it into leachate, which is poisonous.

29. Some types of rubbish may take hundreds of years to break down when buried.

30. Landfill sites also create more traffic, noise, smells, smoke, litter and pests.

31. Conservation involves trying to reduce the damage done to the earth and living things by pollution and other human activities.

32. People can help by using less energy, creating less waste and replacing the resources they use.